
Please note that the MEP Program is currently on pause. Workshops are not available at this time.

The Multicultural Education Program (MEP) seeks to provide learning opportunites and resources for the enitire campus community that foster a welcoming and healthy campus climate. All of the MEP workshops use experiential learning techniques, use small and large group interactions and discussions.

Further, the workshops use activities that provide a common experience for individuals and groups, provide ideas for practical, everyday appliation in our diverse community at UC Berkeley. Resources are also discussed, so participants can connect with other offices and opportunities at UC Berkeley.

MEP Workshop Topics

The Multicultural Education Program offers workshops for staff and campus departments. Our core workshop topics are as follows. Please click here for workshop descriptions:

  • Looking In / Looking Out: Exploring Workplace Diversity at Berkeley
  • First Take / Second Look: Exploring Unconscious Bias
  • Let's Talk: Engaging in Cross-Cultural Communication

Staff MEP Certificate Curriculum Series:

Are you a staff member at UC Berkeley? Like the topics that MEP covers? Can't decide on which one to take? Enroll in the series! MEP offers individuals the ability to sign up for our three core workshops. Receive a certificate of completion when you have finished them all. 

HR Managers, Training Coordinators, and Others:

Download a flyer for your colleagues, or to hang in your cube, on your office door, near the water cooler or a nearby bathroom regarding the workshops available!

Workshops for Teams, Groups, Units and Departments:

MEP is happy to meet the needs of your organization by providing one of the workshops currently available, or partnering with you to create a customized workshop. If you are interested in working with the MEP, click here.

Download an MEP Workshop Menu:

If you would like to download a MEP curriculum menu of offerings, please click here for the workshop list.  

MEP Workshop Costs:

To help cover our costs, MEP charges a modest fee to campus units for workshop sessions. Please contact us for pricing information. 

MEP is Not Alone:

At UC Berkeley, there are a variety of workshops and seminars sponsored by campus departments and student groups that address issues of diversity, inclusion and multiculturalism. MEP often collaborates with others on campus to provide educational opportunities. If you would like to see related offerings by our campus partners, see the Campus Resources page.

All in-person MEP workshop locations are wheelchair-accessable. To request communications, mobility access, and other accessibility accommodations, please email or contact Disability Access and Compliance.